Positions Available: 3
Contract Type: Indefinite period
Start Date: 15/Sep/2024
Work Shift: Full day
Responsibilities:Medical Management Setup:Responsible for setting up all evaluation/treatment visits such as MRI's, physical therapy, injections, etc., when tasked by the paralegal.Provide LOG and/or pay invoice for initial services rendered.Responsible for reminding clients of upcoming appointments, if necessary.Gather medical records/bills from providers after treatment.Prepare Medical Recaps and Medical Chronology.Record Retrieval:Review records received to confirm they match what was ordered.Records received daily through mail/fax are scanned by the receptionist.Records received by email directly to the medical records clerk are attached to SA by the medical records clerk.Indicate records received on the medical records tab, noting whether they are certified and that the request is complete (enter date).Email attorney and paralegal medical records received by email.Review records for consistency; treatment updates, recommendations, and/or references to additional treatment procedures (past or future).Enter new provider information into the medical provider tab and notify attorney/paralegal team of any new discoveries in medical treatment info.Following-Up on Records:Contact providers daily from a 30-day follow-up list in SA to determine the status of the request.Resend any requests that were not received and correct any defective requests ASAP.Requests confirmed received are followed up on every 4 days until records are received.Update provider contact card in SA with request address, email, phone number, etc.Canceled Requests:When a SA phase is changed to settled, dropped, etc., you should get an email from the attorney/paralegal team to cancel the request.Call the providers to cancel and then send a fax to them canceling the request.
Scan into the file.Invoices/Payments:Pay all invoices for medical records after the invoice is received from the paralegal.Scan all checks into a file.Schedule:Monday to Friday, 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM (Argentina Time)
Location: ON-SITE